Notes for Sunday 10 March 2024

Dear friends,

Tomorrow is Mothering Sunday and that means the first teas of the year in St John. Both our churches will have a special service with a cafe church in St John.

Our PCC Facebook page is getting popular with more than 300 followers now. If you have access to this social media platform please consider following our page: ‘Capel and Ockley church’ and spread any news by liking, sharing and commenting whenever you see the original post or a shared one. Each so-called interaction means that more people see our posts and it’s a great way to reach younger people who may not read our notes or Inspire magazine. We aim to share our posts with the local schools, surrounding villages and churches whenever appropriate.

The picture of the great crested grebe in winter plumage was taken close to Amsterdam last weekend.

God bless,

Dineke van den Bogerd

Post expires at 9:53am on Sunday March 9th, 2025