I hope you all had a lovely Jubilee weekend and managed to see friends and family to celebrate. We had a house full of children and dogs so it wasn’t exactly restful, but certainly great fun.
You will be pleased to hear that our churches have raised over £1,300 for the DEC appeal for Ukraine. This money was raised over three services in each church: Mothering Sunday, Easter and the last being the Jubilee services last weekend. Thank you to everyone for giving so generously.
June brings with it our annual Vicarage fete. Please do help us by donating bottles for the tombola or items for our three hampers which will be given as raffle prizes. If you are able please do also buy some raffle tickets, or take some to sell to friends – they are in our churches. All the money raised goes to our local schools.
The services this week are as follows:
9.30am Holy Communion Ockley
10.30am Cafe church The Crown, Capel
Lastly, the photo of the week is the beacon on Leith Hill – a temporary structure I’m told for the Jubilee.
With love and prayers
Debbie von Bergen
07774 784008