Dear Friends,
I do hope you have all had a good week, my goodness they seem to fly by! I know the weather hasn’t been the sunniest, but for those off us that enjoy walking it has been an almost perfect temperature and without much rain.
Our churches remain busy, Capel had a successful church teas last Sunday (thank you to all those who came). This coming Saturday 28 August sees Bernie Osborne’s Memorial service at 3pm, which I’m sure some of you will be attending, and at the beginning of September, Ockley will host a Memorial service for Trevor King. We also have two weddings to look forward to in September Ella and Tom in Ockley on the 12th and Michael and Corinne in Capel on the 18th. Please include them all in your prayers.
This Sunday we have the following services:
9.30am Matins – Ockley
10.30am Family Communion – Capel
The 10.30 service at Capel will also see the return of Traidcraft. Their goods will be available after the service so do bring extra cash with you, I’m afraid they can’t take cards.
There will be no recording of the services this week.
I have had no other takers for the walk on Holmwood Common on 12 September. Please do let me know if you would like to join us as I have to let the organisers know within the next week. Just reply to this email. It will raise funds for our churches, so do participate if you can.
I attach this week’s reading and the weekly sheets. This week’s photo is of Polesden Lacey, a pretty view whilst I was out walking with a friend on Ranmore yesterday.
With love and prayers
Debbie von Bergen
07774 784008