Formally the Trust Deed of the friends states that “The Charity is established to advance the Christian religion by the restoration, preservation, repair, maintenance, improvement and beautification of the Church of St Margaret’s, Ockley in the Diocese of Guildford (hereinafter called “the Church”) and of the monuments, fittings, fixtures, stained glass, furniture, ornaments and chattels in the Church and Churchyards belonging to the Church”
St Margaret’s Church is one of two churches in the parish of Capel and Ockley, a relatively small parish in the south of Surrey near to the border with Sussex. The parish came into existence in January 2018 when the former parish of Ockley, Okewood and Forest Green was dissolved. Okewood and Forest Green have been amalgamated with the Parish of Ewhurst whilst Ockley has been merged with the Parish of Capel. The new Parish of Capel and Ockley has a total population of around 3100.
The Church of St Margaret’s Ockley requires significant sums to maintain and although those who regularly worship there contribute huge sums to the maintenance of the churches as well as the ministry, the burden of maintaining our heritage should not fall only on those who go to church. We therefore aim to encourage others to give generously to help maintain the church for future generations.
Parts of the present building have been with us for some 700 years – let’s make sure they are there for another 700 years.