Dear Friends,
Apologies for not being able to send out last week’s notices. A two day broadband band outage played havoc with our weekend.
This week is different in another way. I’m writing this on my iPad from a hotel room in Paris. We have arrived this Thursday afternoon and it’s snowing heavily. Apparently a rare event for Paris. Anyway, the remainder of our weekend looks drier and we hope to make the most of it with some visits to favourite haunts and a couple of museums.
We hope to see you all again next week when it’s the first Sunday in Advent. We will enter a time of reflection and hope and, come Christmas Day, utter joy at our saviour’s birth.
Today’s picture is of Notre Dame here in Paris. Not one that we’ve taken but from some time ago during the restoration. It is soon to reopen again with all its glory restored.
God bless,
Dik & Dineke
Post expires at 8:04pm on Friday November 21st, 2025