Notes for Sunday 22 September 2024

Dear friends,

This month is creation tide and part of it is Harvest Festival.

Also part of this big picture is the fact that both our churches are registered ECO churches. As such we aim to buy in Fair Trade and Organic food and cleaning stuff. The coffee in St John is Cafe Direct, which is both organic and Fair Trade. I supply this at cost along with washing up liquid and other cleaning products.

When you buy supplies for either of our churches PLEASE buy LOAF. If you struggle to find it just get in touch and I will supply at cost. It would be so nice if one (or both) of our churches could reach Silver level soon and this is one of the things we can do to reach it.

The cyclamen in St John church yard were irresistible earlier this week.

God bless,


Post expires at 8:29am on Sunday September 21st, 2025