Christmas lead up

Revd Liz Richardson

Last month’s Remembrance Sunday services were I felt very special services as they always are but even more poignant this year. The service in the afternoon at Capel is the most attended service each year and it was wonderful to welcome our wonderful Scouts, Cubs and Beavers along with the British Legion and distinguished service people. I was also struck in the morning service at St Margaret’s at Ockley at how wonderful it was that we continue to remember our war dead and how important this is, over 100 years later, that if it wasn’t for the sacrifices made on our behalf we wouldn’t necessarily have the freedom we enjoy today. Both wonderful services in our villages and thank you to Stuart Cole who gave an excellent address at Capel in the afternoon.

Remembrance last month has given room now to begin the Christmas countdown which comes around faster each year doesn’t it?! Not for the children I know – amazing how time is so much slower when you are a child! Many of you will have visited the now annual Capel Christmas Fair which was another wonderful occasion (yesterday as I am writing). A huge thank you to Suzanne Cole and her team for putting this on for us in aid of MND Association and Church funds which is a wonderful start and taster to the season. Otherwise Christmas or I should say Advent festivities begin in earnest on Saturday 2nd of December with the putting up of the community Christmas trees and the big switching on of the lights later in the day. Always a jolly occasion, thank you to Sally and her team for their organisation and hard work. I love the trees! We are also going to be staging our nativity scene on the vicarage front lawn again this year so watch out for that as you drive past! Hopefully no one will remove the baby Jesus this year…. Apparently I am informed that baby Jesus’ always get removed from such things wherever you install them. Strange isn’t it?! Anyway I hope you enjoy their return!!

Christmas services this year include a special Christmas edition of Café Church, our annual Carol Service with Joy’s wonderful home made mince pies and mulled wine. As Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year we will be holding a Holy Communion service in the morning at St Margaret’s Ockley, followed by the usual family Crib Service at Capel in the afternoon, and then for the hard core, a midnight Holy Communion service which begins at 11pm. We always finish and are singing Silent Night together in candlelight by midnight, ready to wish one another the first happy Christmas! I do hope you can join us at something over the festive season. As two churches together we are worshipping jointly once a month now, alternating the two villages. This year we will be celebrating Christmas Day at Capel and the service time will be 10am !!
The month finishes on a Sunday for New Year’s Eve and that will be a joint service at Ockley – a great way to end the year and begin the new one.

As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ may I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year!

With my love and prayers


Post expires at 9:33am on Thursday December 5th, 2024