weekly news sheet 23 May 2021

Dear Friends

Having been nearly blown away yesterday, today seems to be quieter and I’m told we have much better weather coming.

Today’s sheets include the dates for our next church teas 30th & 31st May at Capel church from 3-5pm, please come and bring your friends. We will be outside and look forward to seeing you. The rest of the dates for Capel are attached and will be given out in church tomorrow. Ockley too are hoping to do teas for the first time, their dates will be ready shortly.

We have recently been awarded a small grant from Surrey Churches Preservation Trust to help us do the church paths in Capel. We have another applications in with the Surrey Fund and are looking for others that might support this project. In the meantime if you would like to make a donation please do reply to this email, the money will only be used for this purpose. It would be lovely to have a non-slip path to our church door and to resurface the paths going to the burial ground and the South door. We hope these improvements will make it a lot easier for those who are infirm to visit their loved ones graves.

I have attached the weekly sheets, readings, weekly sermon, and church tea dates to this email. Do let me know if there are any improvements you would like to see.

Lastly, the photo of the week a last picture of the bluebells in the woods near us – now fading but joined by beautiful fresh green spring grass

With love and prayers

Debbie von Bergen
07774 784008