Eco versus Techno?

Dear all,

I am able to compose this letter on my iPad as I have been enjoying a few days off this week on the Isle of Wight! As usual I am right up against the magazine deadline but thankfully because of modern technology it can be met! These few days prearranged have coincided with several pastoral and ministry issues which have needed my attention by email and again modern technology has allowed me to still take time out and not have to cancel holiday time. Sometimes circumstances dictate I have to be available to certain things. Fortunately this situation doesn’t happen all the time in case you’re wondering whether I really ever do get proper time away!

So I was enjoying Radio 4s Thought for the Day earlier and the subject was all about time. The broadcaster was Bishop Phillip North who incidentally will be a speaker at our Clergy Conference this year but more of that another time…. He introduced his thought by telling of an example of a little girl who when asked what she would like to disappear from her life answered ‘my mothers mobile phone’. The mum was spending so much time texting and speaking on her phone that the child felt her mum didn’t have enough time for her. Children always have such a knack of getting to the source of an issue don’t they?! I’m sure though we are all very aware how much mobiles and emails although fantastic for speed have a down side too as life feels ever faster and workload increases because of advances in technology. Time is a commodity and precious. We need to use it wisely and as Bishop North advised put the time to be spent with God and loved ones in first.

Well this month we are inviting you to spend a little of your time with us firstly at Café Church where we will be launching a new initiative as Capel and Ockley work towards becoming Eco church. This is an exciting development where we assess what we do as church towards ecological sustainability. For example we have chosen to use renewable energy, eco friendly products and the fact that our church has nesting boxes for Swifts ensures us bonus points! There is an award scheme and we are hoping to earn a bronze award fairly soon and continue working towards silver and maybe even gold! Eco church is something all the community can be involved in along with our schools with such ideas as making bug hotels and other exciting things. So watch for other news on Eco Church!

Traditional time can be spent in our lovely vicarage garden later this month at the annual Vicarage Fete. I have to say technology has been very useful in advertising this as well as the more traditional routes. This years theme for the children is Disney and all proceeds as ever go to our local schools. This year Racing Pigs return so do come and help us choose some names for them! Another treat to look forward to is John Dales animals with this year the promise of an Eagle Owl.

So use your time wisely and maybe switch off technology for a bit, spend some time with us and hope to see you at one of our many different services – Matins, traditional family communion, Café Church, Messy Church even(?!) or the fabulous Sunday Session. Switch the tech back on though to check out our website! Still

With my love and prayers
